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1968 Kaw 2024

Kaw Moo

April 16, 1968 — March 2, 2024

Kaw Moo

Age 55 of St. Paul, Minnesota, passed away on March 2, 2024.

Mr. Kaw Moo was born on April 16, 1968, at Myeh Yen village, to Mrs. Naw Su Paw, and Mr. Saw Tu Tu. He had four sisters, and two brothers. Among all his siblings, he is the eldest of seven. While growing up, he studied until middle school in the town of Ler Doh. Afterward, he moved to the Karen controlled area as the Burmese military campaign against the Karen revolution intensified and he cannot continue his study. As life in the jungle in the Karen controlled area was uncertain, he moved around from place to place for safety. He first married in 2000, and his first born was a daughter. While his wife was conceived with his second child, the situation in the area where they lived worsened and they had to flee to the jungles. As they were in hiding, Mr. Kaw Moo’s wife's pregnancy was due for delivery, but because of the rough conditions and the lack of medicine in the jungles, both the baby and the mother passed away. 

Mr. Kaw Moo is left with his first daughter as a window father and had to raise his child in difficulty. In 2006, he left the Karen controlled area and moved to Karen refugee camp in Thailand, first in Mae Ra Moe, and then to Mae La Oon. 

While living in the Mae La Oon Refugee Camp, he joined No. 2 High School as a teacher. He also helped out at church, and he was given the task to help the church youth group. As time passed, on April 16, 2010, he remarried. For Mr. Kaw Moo's second marriage, he received two sons and one daughter. Before the last daughter was born, all the family members departed the refugee camp and migrated to the United States of America. They relocated and resettled on June 17, 2014 in Minnesota where the last daughter was born. 

As soon as he arrived, with his family many needs, Mr. Kaw Moo started working right away without complaining. He is always gentle, kind, and quiet with a smile on his face. All the family members, his friends, and those around him loved him dearly. Unnoticeably, in May of 2021, he realized that he is not well and went for a doctor check-up. The result was that he needed to start receiving treatment for his illness. Therefore he left work to stay home to receive his medical treatment. For a long time, he struggled and battled his illness without complaining or being irritated. His battle against his illness ended on March 02, 2024, at 4:22 PM upon receiving His Father's call from Heaven. 

All the family members love him and desire him to be alive but agree with the plan and the will of God. Mr. Kaw Htoo will be dearly missed. 

Funeral services for Mr. Kaw Moo will be held on Friday, March 8th at 11:00 AM at K'Nyaw Baptist Church, with visitation an hour prior.

Interment at Oakland Cemetery.

သးပ ှ ၢက် ီၢမ် ူ အသးသမ ူ အဂ့ၢ် စီၤကီၢမ် ူ အိၣ်ဖျၣဲ ်ဝဲဖဲလါအဖြ့ ့ၣ်၁၆ သီ, ၁၉၆၈ နၣံ ်, ဖဲမဲၠ းယဲသဝီတၢလ် ီၢန်ၣ့်လီၤ. အမိအမံၤမ့ၢဝ်ဲ နၢီစ် ူ ၤဖီ, ဒီ းအပၢအ် မံၤမ့ၢဝ်ဲစီၤတတ ူ နူ ၣ့်လီၤ. အဝဲအဒီပ ု ၢဝ်ဲၢအ် ိၣ်ဝဲ ပိာ်မ ု ာ်လံၢ ွ ဂၤ် ဒီ းအပိာ်ခ ွ ါခံဂၤပာ်ဃ ု ာ်ဒီ းအက စၢခ်ဲလၢာ်နဂၤ ွံ နၣ့်လီၤ. အဝဲမ့ၢပ် ှ ၤအဒိၣ်ကတၢၢတ် ဂၤလီၤ. ဖဲအဝဲအဖိသၣ်ခါတၤ ု အဒိၣ်ထီၣ်နၣ့် မၤလိတၢဖ်ဲ လၢၢဒ် ိၣ်တၤ ု လၢတီၤခၢၣ်သးကိဝ ၠ ံၤ လၢခံအဝဲဟဲထီၣ်ဝဲဆ ူ တၢပၢၢ ် ဆၢ ် ဟီၣ်ကဝီၤပ ူ ၤနၣ့်လီၤ. ဒီ းဖဲ ၂၀၀၀နၣံ ်နၣ့် အဝဲဆီဟံၣ်ဆီဃီဝဲဒၣ်လီၤ. ဒီ းဒိ းနၢ့ဘၣ ် ်ဝဲအဖိမ ုၣ်အဒိၣ်တဂၤအခါအမါသးဘိအိၣ်ထီၣ်ကဒီ းအဟး ု အသး အဆၢကတီၢ,်မ့ၢလၢ ် ဒၣု ်ဒါအတၢဟ် း ူ တၢဂ်ဲၤဆ ူၣ်ဒိၣ်မးအဃိ,အဝဲသ့ၣ်ဘၣ်ဃ့ၢအ် ိၣ်လၢပ ှ ၢပ် ူ ၤနၣ့်လီၤ .ဖဲအဝဲ သ့ၣ်အိၣ်လၢပ ှ ၢပ် ူ ၤအဆၢကတီၢ ် အမါသးဘိတဂၤအမ ု ၢအ် လါဘၣ်ဝဲအဃိဆံးစၢထ် ီၣ်ဝဲအဖိမ ုၣ်အဆံးတဂၤ ပဲှ ၤဒီ းတၢက် ီတၢခ်ဲ ခီဖျကိ သံၣ်ကသီဒီ းတၢက် ူ စါယါဘျါတအိၣ်အဃိမါသးဘိအံၤအသးသမ ူဘၣ်ဟးထီၣ် ကံွ ာ်ဝဲနၣ့်လီၤ. ဖဲနၣ့်အခါအဝဲဘၣ်အိၣ်လီၤတဲာ်က့ၤဝဲဒီ းအဖိမ ုၣ်အဒိၣ်အံၤလၢအမါသးဘိအလီၢခ်ံပဲှ ၤဒီ းတၢ ် ကီတၢခ်ဲဒိၣ်ဒိၣ်မ ု ၢမ် ု ၢ ်လၢဟီၣ်ခိၣ်အံၤနၣ့်ပစံးသ့လီၤ. ဒီ းဖဲ၂၀၀၆ နၣံ ်နၣ့်အဝဲဟဲနာ ု ်လီၤဝဲဆ ူ ကီၢက် ီၣၠ ်တဲၣ်,ကညီဘၣ်ကီ ဘၣ်ခဲဒဲကဝီၤ, ဖဲမဲၤရၤမိၤ တစိၢတ် လီၢဝ်ံၤ, သ ု းဃီၤကဒါက့ၤအသးဆ ူ မဲၢလး ် အူဒဲကဝီၤနၣ့်လီၤ. ဖဲအဝဲအိၣ်လၢဒဲကဝီၤပ ူ ၤအဆၢကတီၢ ်အဝဲနာ ု ်လီၤမၤသကိ းတၢဖ်ဲနၢီဂ်ံၢ(် ၂)တီၤထီကိ ၠ ဒ်ကိသ ၠ ရၣ်အ သိ းနၣ့်လီၤ. လၢတၢအ် ိၣ်ဖိ ှၣ်ပ ူ ၤစ့ၢက် ီ း ဒ်တၢဃ် ု ထၢအီၤအသိ း တသ့ဖဲအသ့အဝဲဂ ု ာ်ကျးဲစၢးမၤဝဲဒ်အအမ့ၢ ် ပ ှ ၤက ွ ၢထ် ဲွ မၤစၢၤ ကျးဲစၢးကရၢအတၢမၤ ် နၣ့်လီၤ. ဒီ းဒ်တၢအ် ိၣ်သးလဲၤတရံးသးအသိ း, ဖဲလါအဖြ့ ့ၣ် ၁၆ သီ, ၂၀၁၀ နၣံ ်, အဝဲဆီဟံၣ်ဆီဃီကဒီ းအသီတဘျနီၣ့်လီၤ. ဖဲအဝဲဆီဟံၣ်ဆီဃီလၢခံတဘျဝီံၤနၣ့်ဒိ းနၢ့ဘၣ ် ် အါထီၣ်က့ၤဝဲအဖိခ ွ ါဖိခံဂၤ ဒီ းအဖိမ ုၣ်ဖိတဂၤနၣ့်လီၤ. ဒီ းဖဲအဝဲတချုးလၢအဒိ းနၢ့ဒ်ံးအဖိမ ုၣ်သဒါအခါနၣ့်, ဖဲလါယ ူ ၤ ၁၆ သီ, ၂၀၁၄ နၣံ ်, အဝဲသ့ၣ်အဟံၣ်ဖိဃီဖိခဲလၢာ်ဟးထီၣ်ဝဲလၢဒဲကဝီၤဒီ း ဟဲသ ု းလီၢသ် ု းကျဆဲ ူ ကီၢအ် မဲရံကၤ ဒီ းဟဲတၤ ု ဝဲဖဲမဲၣ်နၣံ ်စိထၣ်ကီၢစ်ဲၣ်ဖဲလါယ ူ ၤ ၁၇ သီ,၂၀၁၄ နၣံ ်နၣ့်လီၤ. စးထီၢလၢ ် အဝဲဟဲတၤ ု နၣ့်ဒ်သိ းဟံၣ်ဖိဃီဖိတၢလ် ိၣ်ဘၣ်အသိ း အဝဲနာ ု ်လီၤဆ ူ တၢမၤ ် အပ ူ ၤ, ဒီ းမၤသ ပ ှ ၢပ် ှ ၢတ် ကအက ု စ ွ ါဘၣ်.ထီဘိအဝဲမ့ၢပ် ှ ၤကစ ု ဒဒ ု ီ း ပာ်ဖျါအတၢန်ၤံကမံှနၣ့်လီၤ.ဟံၣ်ဖိဃီဖိခဲလၢာ်အဲၣ်ဘၣ်အီၤ ဒ်အဝဲမ့ၢပၢ ် တ် ဂၤလၢအသးဂ့ၤဒိၣ်မး,အဲၣ်ပ ု ၢအ် ဲၣ်ဝဲၢအ် ဲၣ်တံၤအဲၣ်သကိ းတဂၤအဃိနၣ့်လီၤ.ဘၣ်ဆၣ် လၢတၢတ် ဆိကမိၣ်ပာ်သးအပ ူ ၤ, ဖဲ၂၀၂၁ လါမ့ၤအဆၢကတီၢ,်အဝဲသ့ၣ်ညါလီၤအသးလၢအအိၣ်တဆ ူၣ်လၢၤဘၣ်ဒီ း အဝဲလဲၤဒိ းပ ၠ းအသးလၢတၢဆါ ် ဟံၣ်ဒီ းဒိ းနၢ့ဘၣ ် ်တၢအ် စၢလၢ အဝဲအိၣ်ဒီ းတၢဆါ ် အပနၢီလၢ ် ကဘၣ်ဒိ းက ူ စါ ယါဘျါအသးအဃိ ဟးထီၣ်တၢမၤ ် ဒီ းအိၣ်ဘံှ းက့ၤဝဲလၢဟံၣ်,ဒီ းဂ ု ာ်ကျးဲစၢးတၢ ူ အ် တၢဆါ ် လၢဆၢကတီၢဖး် ယံာ်အပ ူ ၤ တကအက ု စ ွ ါ,တအစ့ ိၢအ် န့ ဘၣ့ ်. ဂ ု ာ်ကျးဲစၢးတၢ ူ ဝ်ဲတၤ ု လၢ အနၢဟ် ဘၣ ူ ်က့ၤအပၢက် စၢယ် ွ ၤအတၢ ် ကိ းက့ၤအီၤဖဲလါမးၡၢ ် ၂ သီ, ၂၀၂၄ နၣံ ်, ဟါ ၄း၂၂ (လံၢ ွနၢ် ရ်ံၣ်,ခံဆံခံမံးနးံ)နၣ့်လီၤ. ဟံၣ်ဖိဃီဖိအဲၣ်ဘၣ်ပၢတ် ဂၤအံၤလၢာ်သး, သးလီကီအီၤဒိၣ်မးဘၣ်ဆၣ်,ဘၣ်အၢၣ်လီၤထဲွ ကစၢယ် ွ ၤ အတၢဘၣ ် ်အသးနၣ့်လီၤ.
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Service Schedule

Past Services


Friday, March 8, 2024

10:00 - 11:00 am (Central time)

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Funeral Service

Friday, March 8, 2024

11:00am - 12:00 pm (Central time)

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Graveside Service

Friday, March 8, 2024

12:30 - 1:00 pm (Central time)

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Visits: 62

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